Nov 12, 2012

My Trying To Conceive Journey

As many of you wonderful readers know I’m married and this past Saturday my husband and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary and 8 years together.  Our road together has had its fair share of highs and lows.  But I know the lowest low happened in the summer of 2006.

What should have been a joyous and sheer happy day ended up being on of the worst days I’ve ever experienced. I found I was pregnant and in that same moment knew something was extraordinarily wrong. I was bleeding very heavily and had been having extreme stomach pains. I was referred to the ER and there found out that I was having an ectopic pregnancy.  I was crushed, scared and feeling very hopeless.

My husband (then boyfriend) was there to support me but I still  just felt lonely. I had to have emergency surgery and almost died. I also had to have my left tube removed because it burst.

All of that was really depressing!  But the worst part of that whole event to me was being wheeled out a few days later and passing by the nursery and just feeling empty.

For years after that I was too afraid to try again. I didn’t want to be disappointed or lose my ability to have a baby. But for the last 2 years or so I’ve really wanted to be a mom! It’s been a mix of my little cousins coming to visit and enjoying seeing them grow up and the fact that I just want my own family.

Since I’ve finished esthetics school (a life long dream of mine), finding a job and finally settling into married life. I now think it the perfect time to start trying. I also really have faith that God will protect me and fulfill my desire to expand our family.

At first I was uncomfortable sharing my story with you all but then I thought that sharing may help one of you through your own TTC Journey. I have also made some videos on my YouTube channel about the medication I’ll be talking, what testing I’ve had and what an emotional roller coaster this has been for me.

In the coming weeks I’ll be going through my first round off TTC meds and will be sharing  what I’m feeling both physically and mentally. And once
I do get pregnant , I’ll be making videos and posts about my pregnancy. Stay tune so you can experience this journey with me.

Thanks in advance for all your support and positive words.



Laesha Ebony

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